Forward Email Exchange 2010

Forward Email Exchange 2010 – So someone has left your organization and now all that persons email need to be forwarded or delivered to another user. The solution is pretty simple.

Forward Email Exchange 2010

  1. Open the “Exchange Management Console”
  2. Expand “Recipient Configuration”
  3. Select “Mailbox” in the tree
  4. Right Click the “Properties” of the Mailbox you wish to forward
  5. Select the “Mail Flow Settings Tab”
  6. Highlight “Delivery Options” and click the “Properties” button directly above
  7. In the “Delivery Options” Window place a check in the “Forward To:” box
  8. Click the “Browse Button” to select the mail forward destination user. You may optionally select the option to deliver messages to both mailboxes.
Exchange Mailbox Properties - Forward Email Exchange 2010

Exchange Mailbox Properties


Exchange Mailbox Deliver Options - Forward Email Exchange 2010

Exchange Mailbox Deliver Options